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Let's cut to the chase. You're looking for a designer who knows what he is doing. Adam has been a freelance designer and art director for over 10 years and worked with clients ranging in size from individual entrepreneurs and local non-profits to transnational corporations. One of his biggest value adds is the ability to expertly coordinate design across digital, print and multi-media production platforms. Recently, he has been providing a design updates to the commercial coatings branch of Reichhold, Inc, a global chemical manufacturer based here in the triangle and providing web and print promotions for a award-winning fiction author Barbara Claypole White. Some of his past clients have been Quintiles, PENTAX Medical, Doe & Ingalls of North Carolina, Cancer Centers of North Carolina, BrainFlips and Artspace. During his time in the agency world Adam excelled at developing and integrating elements of brand collateral and creating original pieces that fit seamlessly into existing work. Combined with his graduate education; M.S. in Communication from North Carolina State (2009) and Ph. D. in Communication Studies focused in media and cultural studies from the Univeristy of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2016), Adam's aprroach to design incorporates a heavy dose of cultural and media theory to understand the contexts of communication practices.

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