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baseball   Reichhold, Inc.
Reichhold has been a global industry leader in the resin and coatings market for over 80 years. A former Fortune 500 company, they currently are ahead of the regulatory game in producing new lines of renewable and waterbased resins that meet or exceed regulatory standards without loosing product quality. As such, Adam has taken on the task of updating the and unifying their disparate commercial product lines into a consistent brand identity that captures product diversity within an overarching brand identity. The result has been an incredibly well received launch of new sales literature and marketing collateral. For examples see Beckosol AQ Product Line Brochure. Urotuf Product Line Brochure. website

Artspace   Artspace
A non-profit art center in Raleigh that has studios for artists, gives grants for up-and-coming artists, holds programs for the community and galleries for touring artists. To spread the word about Artspace's role as more than just galleries and studios, posters, banners, window clings, t-shirts and loads of marketing advice were given to bolster Artspace's already great reputation in the community. website


Communication Studies   UNC - Chapel Hill - Department of Communication Studies
The Department of Communication Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, is one of the top ranked Communication Studies departments in the country. The department recognized the need to augment the extremely high scholarly reputation the department holds nationally and internationally, with some professional looking marketing materials. The graphics, cards, and posters were part of a rebranding effort of the departments message, website and print collateral website

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