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As an educator, Adam's goal is to help students ask critical questions and find more complex answers. It is not enough to simply introduce students to ideas or to give them information. They must learn to consider how and where those ideas were generated and for whom and for what purposes that information was produced. Here are the fine institutions that have been sharpening Adam's inquisitive capabilities.

Saint Joseph's Elementary School - Kindergarten, first and second grades
Hightlights: Adam excelled at a number of disciplines including nap-time, recess, making friends, talking and lunch time. Degree Conferred: Gold Star.

Immaculate Conception - third through eighth grades
Highlights: Adam made it through middle school with relatively few life scarring events. Degree Conferred: A well adjusted adult life.

Don Bosco Central High School - 1997-2000
Highlights: Adam spent vast amounts of time and energy pouring into sports, music, drama and even managed to keep a good GPA. His athletic prowess was dually recognized as he was named Don Bosco High School's Most Valuable Male Athlete in 2000. When not "jocking it up" Adam was "geeking it out" with his trombone in the brass section of the high school band. He also book-ended his high school career with performances in the first play of his freshman year and the final play of his senior year. Adam was also the editor of "The Spirit", Don Bosco's monthly newspaper, worked on the yearbook, was president of impromptu Chess Club and worked tirelessly on the family farm. Degree Conferred: High School Diploma.

Grand View College - 2000-2004
Highlights: Adam double majored in Graphic Design and Graphic Journalism (which involved writing and layout composition). He was a 4-time Academic All-Conference member of the baseball team and an honors student. He was staff writer, photographer, designer and weekly humor columnist for the newspaper "The Grand Views." He also was an executive member of the student government during a year-long term as Vice President for Student Life. Believe it or not, he even managed to have an active social life. Degree Conferred: Bachelor of Arts.

North Carolina State University - 2006-2009
Adam compeleted a M.S. in Communication in May 2009. His primary area of research was in technology, media and society. He did preliminary research into; media consumption and social spaces, advertising and new media, global brand management, and critical analysis of media censorship. Degree Conferred: Master of Science.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - 2009 - 2016
Adam earned a PhD in Communication Studies from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His dissertation was titled, Keeping Pace: Business-to-Business Marketers and Emerging Technologies in the Consumer Electronics Industry. For more on his academic work.


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